Guided bone regeneration treats dental implant lesions
A 43-year-old female presenting with a symptomatic left, first premolar was a candidate for dental implant treatment and scheduled for an immediate implant placement following tooth extraction. After surgery she was prescribed antibiotics. She was seen three months later due to pain at the implant site, which revealed a sinus tract related to the implant. Additionally, there was a “soft spot” due to edema and bone loss. She was prescribed another course of antibiotics and returned in four days. At that time, a tetracycline paste was created and placed on the defect and around the implant for three minutes, then removed. In two months, a transitional crown was placed, with placement of the final six months later. At the subsequent one-, two-, six-month, one- and five-year appointments, no pain was reported and complete bone fill (see photo below) in to the previous lesion area was stable.