AO Orlando preview: Morning with the Masters highlights from Dr. Anthony Sclar

March 7, 2017
Anthony G. Sclar, DMD, will present an interdisciplinary session titled “Avoiding and Managing Esthetic Implant Complications” during the Morning with the Masters Program at the upcoming Academy of Osseointegration Annual Meeting. Participants will learn scientific and clinical concepts required for diagnostically driven treatment planning and become familiar with risk stratification of simple-to-complex esthetic dental implant cases. Read more about the objectives of this program and the five key takeaways.

Anthony G. Sclar, DMD, graduated from the University of Florida College of Dentistry and subsequently completed an internship in hospital dentistry, a fellowship program in medical anesthesiology, and oral and maxillofacial surgery residency training at the University of Miami, Jackson Memorial Hospital. He pursued additional training in general and plastic surgery at Central Medical Center, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, he has maintained an oral surgery and implant dentistry practice in South Miami, Florida,since 1989. Dr. Sclar founded the Sclar Center for Advanced Implant Dentistry Learning, which hosts the highly regarded Annual Surgical Continuum. In addition to publishing numerous journal articles and textbook chapters, Dr. Sclar co-edited a surgical atlas, Soft Tissue Esthetic Procedures for Teeth and Implants (W.B. Saunders, 1999) and authored the hallmark, multilanguage textbook, Soft Tissue and Esthetic Considerations in Implant Therapy(Quintessence, 2003). He previously served on the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (JOMS) editorial board for a six-year term, and currently serves on the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) Parameters of Care Committee on Cranial Facial and Dental Implant Surgery. He is an adjunct professor in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine and serves as a regular reviewer for the following scientific journals: JOMS, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants (JOMI), The International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry (IJPRD), and Clinical Advances in Periodontics. Having performed more than 25,000 advanced and complex dental implant surgery procedures, Dr. Sclar is recognized as one of the most experienced implant surgeons and foremost implant dentistry educators in the world.

What is the Morning with the Masters Program?

Morning with the Masters will provide annual meeting participants the opportunity to receive an overview of a complex topic. Critical scientific and clinical concepts will be presented and clarified by an interdisciplinary presentation.

What is the objective of your session, “Avoiding and Managing Esthetic Implant Complications”?

My goal will be to create awareness of the knowledge base required to achieve and maintain optimal dental implant esthetics, including identification of prognostic keys for success, risk factors for complications, and site development requirements to maintain esthetic implant outcomes that emulate nature. Participants will learn scientific and clinical concepts required for diagnostically driven treatment planning and become familiar with risk stratification of simple-to-complex esthetic implant cases. Participants will also be exposed to clinical strategies related to selection and sequencing of implant site development procedures prior to or simultaneous with implant placement. The importance of restorative management of soft tissues will become evident through a series of case presentations of increasing complexity, including the management of esthetic complications and failures. Most importantly, the information presented in this session will serve to direct participants to pursue further study to improve their understanding in all areas related to the topic.

Why is this important to a cross-selection of clinicians?

Esthetic implant therapy is considered one of the most challenging aspects of implant dentistry. Interdisciplinary planning and execution of surgical, restorative, and technical procedures by an experienced and knowledgeable treatment team is required to predictably achieve and maintain beautiful implant esthetics that emulate nature. In order to educate patients, restorative dentists and specialists must have a solid understanding of the prognostic keys for predictable esthetic implant treatments and the risk factors for complications and failures. This information is critical for patients seeking to make an informed decision regarding appropriate treatment options for their individual case scenario.

What are three to five key takeaways attendees will glean?

1. Understand the prognostic keys for predictable esthetic implant treatment.

2. Identify risk factors for esthetic complications and failures.

3. Distinguish between esthetic case scenarios that are amenable to simultaneous implant placement and grafting from those that require staged preimplant site development procedures.

4. Understand the critical importance of restorative management of peri-implant soft tissues.

5. Understand the quality of life and health benefits the All-On-4 treatment concept provides for patients suffering from edentulism, terminal dentition, and failed conventional implant restorations.

Click here to learn more about the Morning with the Masters sessions, which are available by special ticket only. For more information about the 2017 AO Annual Meeting, please click here.